Micropoetry is the fun way to take a reading or writing break

Sometimes after midyear 2015, I read an article about micropoems. The word was new to me and it fired up my curiousity. The sub-title read “take a Twitter poetry break…” Not being a Twitter user, I thought the writing fun would have to pass me by. So I did a quick scan of the article instead. Months later, curiosity wouldn’t allow me to let the matter rest. I recalled the article and did an online search. Thereafter, I joined The Micropoetry Poetry Society, an online community for poets who love to write micropoems. It is here where I learned about micropoetry and its different forms.

Micropoetry is a genre of poetic verse which is characterized by its extreme brevity. In other words, a micropoem is a short poem. They take different forms e.g. 1-6 lines, 3-10 words, twaiku (haiku in twitter) and tanka. The poems are short enough for twitter and sms. Consequently, they are a good way to take a short break, whether in reading or writing them. Since then, I rose to the challenge of sweet and short writing. My published collection is mostly under the “How to…” series. This was not a contemplated decision. It just happened that writing those was a creative enjoyment to Gabriel, my muse. I did write a handful others. However, Gabriel informed me that the lack of mind sweating meant they were not good enough yet.

Go on and take a break at this link.

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