World Children’s Poetry Day (WoChiPoDa) is a day dedicated to children’s poetry. This day is celebrated annually on the first Saturday of October. On this day, children will learn to experience poetry in a fun way. Children will recite poems written all by themselves. Listeners can be family, friends, schoolmates, teachers, or anyone else. And all this is done in a fun setting.
World Children's Poetry Day
What is WoChiPoDa?
Gloria D. Gonsalves founded WoChiPoDa as part of her efforts to instil the love of poetry in children. Parents, teachers, and guardians are encouraged to motivate children to celebrate this day and share their experiences through poetry writing.
Why is it important?
World Poetry Day is celebrated annually on 21 March. Although this day introduces children to poetry in classrooms, an essential element is missing. Poetry is perceived to be not ordinary, even to the extent of being dull by young minds. Children need to learn and experience poetry in a fun way other than the school curriculum or what is written for them by adults. Therefore, a day dedicated to poetry written and read by children is necessary.
As one of the literary genres, poetry can contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education. Poetry can contribute to the relevant skills of reading and writing. WoChiPoDa as an initiative is one potential tool to contribute towards this global goal. Reading and writing have to co-exist. For children, writing helps them to read, and reading prepares them to write. As such, poetry is a valuable tool that enhances children’s speaking, listening, and communication.
Who is eligible to organise it?
Anyone involved with poetry or children’s education can host a WoChiPoDa event to enhance what they are already doing as an ambassador for child education. The WoChiPoDa host/organiser can also use the occasion to shine a light on other child-support activities they are actively involved in.
Besides poets and teachers, we also welcome the array of creative minds involved in caring for children, including parents, guardians, caretakers, etc. However, it is encouraged to involve or reach out to someone with poetry skills to maximise the impact of your event.