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Today’s prompt is to write about something that returns. This poem is about returning of the rose as a flower, metaphor, victuals, and wisdom. Today marks the end of Na/GloPoWrimo. Thank you, Maureen, and all the poets, for inspiring the infinite weaving of the poetry rope. 8th year done despite challenges of finding time to write and read peacefully. And a day later after it was written, this poem got featured as the closing one for NaPoWriMo and a reminder that a “rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.” What an honour.

In the hearts of lovers’
bouquets of woos
gifts of seduction
baths of goddesses
she fades but returns.

In the ink of writers’
verses of honey
choruses of ache
memories of summer
she wilts but returns.

In the tonic of foes’
oaths of thorns
dirt of growth
pricks of blood
she dries but returns.

In the orgies of bellies’
oils of sweetness
teas of remedy
wine of petals
she expires but returns.

In the quest of purpose’s
symbol of triumph
reward of completion
herald of perfection
she droops but returns.

In the scent of history’s
melancholy of the past
bliss of the current
vows of tomorrow
she dies but returns.

She dies but returns.
She dies but returns.
She dies but returns.

Copyright © 2020, Gloria D. Gonsalves. All rights reserved.


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