An ekphrastic poem and an illustration prompted by a heart-shaped wall art with birds. The poem is about a heart witnessing the war from afar.
My heart, I dare you to sing forgiveness again.
The birds in your chambers no longer tweet.
War is here and has your singing mornings stolen.
All you have now are the invasive sounds of the night.
My heart, I dare you to sing forgiveness again.
Though your birds of honour are dazed with sirens
of gut-wrenching and vile courageous deeds,
do not be goaded into flying your flock of anger.
My heart, I dare you to sing forgiveness again.
I see your vessels channelling the birds of hate
flying high in obscurity only to land for a kill
and blow up the flesh into fragments of revenge.
My heart, I dare you to sing forgiveness again.
When birds swirl and circle inside your flesh,
remember why you are still beating and heaving.
Silence the cursing and avenging with breathing.
My heart, I dare you to sing forgiveness again.
The fields of your dwelling are now blood baths
but the good old birds have not left your branches.
Recall your singing heart by granting clemency.
*First published by Paper Poetry in Medium