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In December 2022 and January 2023, I had an opportunity to donate books to the Tanzania Library Service Board (TLSB) through the Kilimanjaro Regional Library. For writers in the diaspora, one way to reach readers at home is to represent each other at events or walk-ins at institutions, as I did. I am grateful to the Regional Librarian, Ms. Sakina Msuya, for welcoming me without an appointment and accepting my return two weeks later with more books from fellow Tanzania diaspora writers. Whenever you visit the Kilimanjaro Regional Library, you will find the following books in the children’s section:

Swahili Folklore: A Compilation of Animal Facts, Folktales, Nursery Rhymes, and Songs by Gloria D. Gonsalves (Germany)

Jai the Albino Cow by Gloria D. Gonsalves (Germany)

Zawadi ya Wino (Gift of Ink) by Eric Ndumbaro (Tanzania), Gloria D. Gonsalves (Germany), Justine Kakoko (Tanzania), Pascalina Francis (Tanzania), Rehema Kawambwa (Tanzania)

Baby Caterpillar by Corona Cermak (Czech Republic)

Grandma Pipi and The Roses by Corona Cermak (Czech Republic)

Kanga ya Mama (Mama’s Magical Kanga) by Maria Biswalo (Denmark)

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